The Greatest Invitation Imaginable

1 John 1:1-4 A glorious sweep of God’s saving work: 1.  ETERNITY PAST (v.1a) 2.  THE INCARNATION & EARTHLY MINISTRY OF JESUS (vv.1b-2) (Allusions to John  1:1-18) 3. THE APOSTOLIC PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL (v.3a) “The Christian message is neither a...

Agree in the Lord

Philippians 4:1-3 “The church looks more like a bunch of fighting street orphans than sons and daughters sitting peaceably at the family table. It is no wonder that the world is little convinced of our ‘Good News.’ Nor does it surprise us when the...

Press On, Brothers and Sisters

Philippians 3:12-21 We must press on to make salvation our own because Jesus Christ has made us his own. We press on by striving for the prize (v. 12-16). We press on by imitating Paul to avoid quitting the race (v. 16-19). We press on by awaiting our Savior’s return...

The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Jesus Christ

Philippians 3:1-11  “Rejoice in Lord. To write these things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.” To rejoice in the Lord is to see the value of the flesh. To rejoice in the Lord is to see the value of Jesus Christ. “To be made righteous is to be made...