The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Jesus Christ

Philippians 3:1-11

 “Rejoice in Lord. To write these things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.”

  1. To rejoice in the Lord is to see the value of the flesh.
  2. To rejoice in the Lord is to see the value of Jesus Christ.

“To be made righteous is to be made ‘right with God.’ It is what happens when God’s judgment on the imperfect record of our sinful deeds is paid by Christ—and at the same time a perfect record of His sinless life is credited to us. It is a word taken from the law courts, and it means ‘to be acquitted’ or ‘to be declared to be absolutely in the right.'” –William Taylor

“In a flow of history that inevitably runs toward the judgment—the great judgment in which only God’s verdict matters—to be declared righteous by this Creator God, the Judge, is infinitely more precious than anything else one can imagine. It is infinitely more important than having all the laurels in the world—whether ecclesiastical, academic, societal, financial, or personal.”—Don Carson