Vanity of Vanities! All Is Vanity!

Life lived apart from fearing God will never make sense because life lived under the sun is vanity of vanities. It is all vanity; therefore, we must fear God and keep his commandments.

“Put differently, because of God’s curse on creation, (the consequences of the fall recorded in Genesis 3:14-19 are assumed throughout), in all our endeavors we cannot find much meaning or sustainable joy in this world or present age. It’s vanity. Vanity. Vanity. Vanity. Vanity. It’s all vanity.” —Douglas O’Donnell

“What is more a vanity of vanities than the fact that the earth endures, although it was made for the benefit of man, while man himself, the master of the earth, suddenly crumbles into dust?” —Jerome

“There is one problem with our need to be known and remembered. That problem is death. Death stands, almost boastingly, at the end of the corridor of our lives. And death doesn’t play favorites. It takes everyone’s solid labors and vaporizes them.” —Douglas O’Donnell