The Way of Wisdom and the Way of Folly (Proverbs 9:1-18)

If you accept and embrace “Wisdom” you will be made wise, but if you accept and embrace “Folly,” you will be destroyed by your foolishness.

  1. “Wisdom” invites us to become wise and live.
  2. It takes humility to receive “Wisdom’s” invitation.

“…if you are the kind of person who cannot accept correction, you are a mocker. If you get angry when someone confronts you, you are a mocker. On the other hand, if you can humbly accept correction because you know you have not arrived, then you are wise, and you will love the person who had the courage to confront you.” —Daniel Akin

“According to the book of Proverbs, ‘the fear of the Lord’ is a continual (23:17), humble, faithful submission to Yahweh, which compels one to hate evil (8:13) and turn away from it (16:6) and brings with it rewards better than all earthly treasures (15:16)—the rewards of a love for and a knowledge of God (1:29; 2:5; 9:10; 15:33), and a long life (10:27; 14:27a; 19:23b), confidence (14:26) satisfaction, and protection 19:23). —Douglas O’Donnell

“Fear is neither mere respect nor utter terror. It is something between the two. One fears a superior power, so to fear Yahweh means to acknowledge that Yahweh is vastly more powerful than oneself. It is to put oneself in a position that will elicit obedience. It is the beginning of wisdom, which suggests that there is no wisdom apart from Yahweh.” —Tremper Longman

  1. “Folly” deceives us with lies and leads us to death.