Cast Your Bread upon the Waters (Ecclesiastes 11:1-6)

Since we know that God is always at work in all things for our good, we must continue to trust him for all things, believing that all of our faith and all of our work is never in vain.

1. What we invest in the kingdom of God is never wasted.

“Ships on commercial voyages might be long delayed before any profit resulted. Yet one’s goods had to be committed to them. Solomon’s fleet which brought back ‘gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks’ (1 Kings 10:22) sailed once in three years. Similarly, the preacher has called his readers to take life as from the hand of God, and to enjoy it despite its trials and perplexities. Such a life contains within it the elements of trust and adventure, demands total commitment, and has a forward look to it, a reward which requires patience. —Michael Eaton, Ecclesiastes: An Introduction and Commentary

“Rather than simply taking our chances, we will plan for an uncertain and possibly unfortunate future. If we are wise, we will invest widely. Hopefully, if one investment does poorly it will be counterbalanced by another source of revenue that is doing somewhat better.” —Philip Ryken

2. If we fail to invest wisely and give generously, we will never reap a good harvest.

“Do not hold back because of fear, but step out by faith—not faith that your own efforts will succeed, necessarily, but faith that God will take what you offer and use it in some way for his glory.” —Phillip Ryken

3. We might not always know what God is doing, but we do know that we are called to sow.