For to Us a Child Is Born (Isaiah 9:6-

If you want a sure and steady hope in the midst of life’s uncertainties and adversities, you must base it in the Baby Boy born in Bethlehem.

I. Our only true hope: the Baby Boy born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago (9:6a).

II. The basis for our hope: the kind of Governor this Baby will be and the kind of Government he will establish (9:6b-7).

A. “Wonderful Counselor” indicates that Jesus will be a supernatural source of extraordinary wisdom — amazing news for those who need guidance.
B. “Mighty God” indicates that Jesus will be divinely strong and powerful — amazing news for those who are weak.
C. “Everlasting Father” indicates that Jesus will care for his people forever, as a father cares for his children — amazing news for those who are alone and unappreciated.
D. “Prince of Peace” indicates that Jesus will bring deep well-being and right relationships — amazing news for all of us who lack peace with each other and with God. (Stephen Witmer, Ibid.)

“His shoulders were small and undeveloped, and his frame was fragile, but he had come to carry a weight unlike any other. He would bear the sins of the world and establish his kingdom in every corner of the globe. From the moment that baby opened his eyes on little Bethlehem, his name was “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). His life —from its very first breaths —was marked with an unprecedented wisdom, power, majesty, and glory. All held, for a time, in an infant’s body, and all waiting to be exercised in love on our behalf.”—Marshall Segal, “Silent Night,” DesiringGod, 12/25/2017

III. Our assurance of that hope: the zeal & power of the Lord of Hosts (9:7).