Moment by Moment Proverbs (4:1-27)

God has created us to walk by faith, to honor him in all things, and to trust him at every moment of our lives.

1. Walking by faith means we embrace wisdom.

“Instruction in wisdom should be a multigenerational thing. Parents have been entrusted with the responsibility of passing this down to their children. We can pass down patterns of foolishness like laziness, addiction, abuse, or passivity. Or we can pass down patterns of wisdom like humility, a good work ethic, and responsibility.” —Daniel Akin

2. Walking by faith means we do not enter the path of the wicked.

“What keeps us moving forward in the way of God’s wisdom is hope, confidence, and expectancy. You might not be much of a Christian right now. Who of us is? But if you have chosen Christ, he is dawning in your life. There might be only a glimmer of light on your horizon right now. But the sun is rising, the darkness cannot stop it, and Christ will bring his good work in you to noonday brilliance: ‘He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ’ (Philippians 1:6). That bright gospel confidence is how you keep going, step by step, moment by moment, on the right path.” —Ray Ortlund

3. Walking by faith means we keep our hearts with all vigilance.