Sermon Notes
We are committed to providing you with biblical teaching to help you grow in your faith.
Moment by Moment Proverbs (4:1-27)
God has created us to walk by faith, to honor him in all things, and to trust him at every moment of our lives. 1. Walking by faith means we embrace wisdom. “Instruction in wisdom should be a multigenerational thing. Parents have been entrusted with the responsibility...
Walking with Christ (Ephesians 4:17-20)
The Christian life is a walk with Christ that is consistent with God’s calling of us. It’s a walk of holiness, love, in the light of truth, and wisdom. I. The pervasiveness of this metaphor of “walking” in the OT & NT. II. The implications of the Christian...
Wisdom Matters (Proverbs 3: 13-35)
Wisdom is what we should want most in this world; therefore, we should pursue wisdom most in this world. 1. Wisdom is priceless. "Proverbs teaches us that wisdom creates happy homes, loving marriages, and treasures that cannot be valued by marketplace prices. Riches...
Self-Importance Is Unsustainable (Proverbs 3:9-12)
1. Honor the Lord with your wealth. “The sad truth is, we honor ourselves with our money, and the Lord gets second best if he is lucky. But wisdom changes us. Wisdom is saying, ‘Make the Lord famous and prominent by means of your wealth. Use your money to increase his...
Go and Make Disciples
Main Point: Go and Make Disciples 1. A Picture (vs. 16-17) 2. The Commission (vs 18-20a) A. Engage B. Evangelize C. Equip 3. A Promise (v. 20b)
Social Justice: The Righteousness Wisdom Produces (Proverbs 2:1-10)
I. Wisdom is the Source of Righteousness (Proverbs 2:1-10) Wisdom is indeed a gift (but not automatic) from the Lord. Righteousness is a result of wisdom. Justice is an inseparable part of righteousness. II. Justice: A Characteristic of Righteousness III. What Doing...
Corporate Unity, Individual Diversity, and Every Member’s Ministry (Ephesian 4:7-16)
Our unity and maturity as a body is attained and maintained by every individual serving with what Christ has given him/her to contribute. I. Corporate Unity (vv.1-6) --> Individual Diversity (vv.7-10) --> Full Unity & Maturity (vv.11-16). Our UNITY in our...
Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart (Proverbs 3:1-8)
Those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways will be rewarded by the Lord. 1. Obedience to Lord will be rewarded with peace and success. “Here is the point. Our problem is not just our wandering wills; our problem is our false beliefs. Our minds give credit to lies....
Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart (Proverbs 3:1-8)
Those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways will be rewarded by the Lord. 1. Obedience to the Lord will be rewarded with peace and success. “Here is the point. Our problem is not just our wandering wills; our problem is our false beliefs. Our minds give credit to...
Searching for Wisdom (Proverbs 2:1-22)
If you want to grow in your faith and understand what God’s purposes are for your life, then you must search for God’s wisdom like you are searching for hidden treasure. 1. Wisdom must be received and actively pursued. “Wisdom is not automatic of us. Wisdom is not our...