Social Justice: The Righteousness Wisdom Produces (Proverbs 2:1-10)

I. Wisdom is the Source of Righteousness (Proverbs 2:1-10)

  1. Wisdom is indeed a gift (but not automatic) from the Lord.
  2. Righteousness is a result of wisdom.
  3. Justice is an inseparable part of righteousness.

II. Justice: A Characteristic of Righteousness

III. What Doing Justice Looks Like

A. Care and Concern for the most Vulnerable
B. Thinking Biblically about Our Mission

“Israel was charged to create a culture of social justice for the poor and vulnerable because it was the way the nation could reveal God’s glory and character to the world. Deuteronomy 4:6-8 is a key text where Israel is told they should keep God’s commands so that all nations…(would) be attracted to God’s wisdom and glory.” (Keller)

C. Being Generous in All We Do

“Doing justice not only the righting of wrongs, but generosity and social concern, especially toward the poor and vulnerable.” (Keller)

IV. New Testament Implications for the Church

A. Social justice is a call of the gospel.
B. We must redefine “neighbor.”
C. The Full Effects of the Cross

At the cross, Jesus introduces us to how His justice and mercy will have their way. The redemption we experience from the cross will flow from him through us to a world in need of a savior. He calls us to play a part in that story of redemption. A story that speaks to sin and its effects, on individuals, groups and society. It also demonstrates what wisdom, justice and righteousness look like and how we are to live it out in this broken world that He will eventually make right.