Stay Away from Folly (Ecclesiastes 10:1-11)

Being wise is far better than being a fool.

  1. The difference between wisdom and folly.

“He has such an obvious lack of spiritual good sense that his folly is evident to everyone. Fools have a way of refusing to listen to good advice or of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or of doing something else that shouts. ‘Look at me, I’m a fool!’ As it says in the book of Proverbs (13:16), ‘a fool flaunts his folly.’” —Philip Ryken

  1. Advice for dealing with foolish people.

“When the wrong people get into power, everything gets turned upside down.” —Philip Ryken

 “…it is better to have only one angry person than to have two.”—Derek Kidner

  1. Fools will be destroyed by their own folly.