The Danger of Adultery (Proverbs 6:20-7:27)

The Danger of Adultery
Proverbs 6:20-7:27

“The sheer quantity of teaching devoted to this subject both demonstrates the strength of the temptation to the son as well as the dangerous consequences that result.” —Tremper Longman

“Marriage is a divine creation, pointing to something beyond us. A man and a woman falling in love, committing themselves with lifelong vows of faithfulness, uniting sexually, living life together ‘till death do us part’ —it is all pointing to the mega-romance of Christ and the church in love forever. A man and a woman in love display the ultimate story of the Son of God coming down to win to his heart, with great suffering, a bride from the wrong side of town.” —Ray Ortlund

Husbands and wives must protect their marriage and their lives by staying far away from every and all adulterous relationships.

1. Warnings Against Adultery

2. Warning Against the Adulteress