Warning Against Adultery (Proverbs 5:1-23)

Sexual intimacy is a gift from God in the context of marriage; therefore, it must be protected, pursued, and enjoyed by husbands and wives.

1. It is wise to keep yourself far away from adultery.

“Don’t judge by the appearances of the moment. The lasting impact tomorrow and thereafter reveals the truth about the present moment. Her words may ooze seductive charm—face-to-face, on the internet, in a text message; but her sweet talk and her flattery, telling you how awesome you are and how she’s been looking for a man just like you, that ‘honey’ will turn ‘bitter.’” —Ray Ortlund

“Adultery depletes a man financially in cover-ups and alimony and lawsuits, socially in his reputation, emotionally in his conscience, and of course in his marriage. Jealousy, hurt, loneliness, regret—the cost is high. Satan shows the bait, but he hides the hook.” —Ray Ortlund

2. It is wise to passionately pursue your spouse romantically and sexually.

“God’s remedy for your thirst for sex is sex, overflowing sexual joy with your spouse. … Your spouse is your own personal and private, divinely approved wellspring of endless sexual satisfaction.” —Ray Ortlund

“Husband, enjoy your wife visually. Honor and enjoy her beauty. Wife, present yourself to your husband as attractively as you can, lovely and graceful. How can you beautify yourself for your husband? Of all the women on the face of the earth today, you are the only morally legitimate satisfaction of his thirst for sexual enjoyment. Why not ask your husband, ‘Darling, how can I please you more?’ Husband, when your wife sweetly asks you that question, she is making herself vulnerable. The first thing you should say is, ‘Well, for starters let me tell you the nineteen ways you absolutely thrill me! But since you ask, yes, here is one change that would be quite wonderful. …’” —Bruce Waltke

3. It is wise to fear the Lord.