Wisdom Matters (Proverbs 3: 13-35)

Wisdom is what we should want most in this world; therefore, we should pursue wisdom most in this world.

1. Wisdom is priceless.

“Proverbs teaches us that wisdom creates happy homes, loving marriages, and treasures that cannot be valued by marketplace prices. Riches won’t ultimately make you happy, but Solomon says wisdom will. That main reason is that wisdom is ultimately not a thing; Wisdom is a person you can have a personal relationship with—Jesus.” —Jon Akin

“As we grow in wisdom, God protects us from the land mines that sin has hidden here in this world. The Lord himself is with us.” —Ray Ortlund

2. Wisdom creates a culture of life.

“A culture of life is where people love each other openly and eagerly with the love of Jesus. All around us are opportunities to breathe life into more people. We cannot do everything. But we can do something, for his sake.” —Ray Ortlund