Seasons Change

Since we only have so much time to live out our lives in this world, we must learn to make the best use of our time as we trust God who is at work in all things, all the time. There is a season for everything we do in life. “God is the King of Time. He regulates our...

Finding Joy in This Life

PROP: Since God is the creator of this world and he is at work in this world for our good, we can find joy in the things he gives us in this world. 1. Solomon considers wisdom and folly again and ends up hating life. 2. Solomon hated all his toil and gave his heart...

Shopping at the Dollar Store

Pleasure, and the pursuit of pleasure apart from God, is all meaningless and will never fully satisfy us. 1. Solomon’s intentional pursuit of pleasure. 2. Solomon explored every pleasure his heart desired. “With godlike creativity and control, he has created a...

The Limits of Worldly Wisdom

Since we live in a broken world that doesn’t make sense and is filled with sorrow and foolishness, we must fear God, trust in Jesus, and follow him. 1. Wisdom cannot change reality (v.12-15). “Some things in life are crooked—not in the sense that they involve criminal...