Bear One Another’s Burdens

“God saves us and empowers us with his Spirit in order that we may live in community with believers who fulfill his mission in the world. This is Christianity: loving one another.” —David Platt

Since we are spirit-filled believers, we must seek to love one another by carrying one another’s burdens.

1. Spirit-filled believers seek to restore others who are caught in a sin with gentleness.

“The enemy sets traps, and sometimes brothers and sisters fall into these traps. We need our faith family to pry open the traps and set us free when this happens.” —David Platt

“Be a person who cares for your brothers and sisters, not one who is trying to be everyone’s accountability partner. Ultimately, only Jesus can forgive and restore. He puts back together our old broken-down jalopy of a spiritual life. And that is our job, to point others to Jesus. We cannot do this by ignoring sin or remaining silent.” —David Platt

2. Spirit-filled believers carry one another’s burdens.

“Pride will create a heart that resists humble service to the church family.” —David Platt