Faith Is the Victory That Has Overcome the World

All of God’s children will give evidence of being his children. God’s children believe that Jesus is the Messiah. God’s children have been born of God. “Jesus did not come to die on a bloody cross to make us kinder and nicer persons. He came to dramatically,...

Love One Another

Since God is love, we must love one another. Love is rooted and grounded in God. “Real love, true love, always has its source in God. And whoever loves with a ‘God kind of love’ gives evidence that they have been born of God. Regeneration, the new birth, being born...

Doing All Things Without Grumbling

Since God is at work in us, we are to work out our salvation with joy. 1. Don’t grumble. 2. Be glad and rejoice. “The way to avoid dissatisfaction is not to grumble about suffering for the gospel, but to remember that all our life lived out in selfless service...

Discerning Truth from Error

1. We shouldn’t believe everything we hear and read. “Satan’s plan is to distort true doctrine. We should consider not only the source of false doctrine but the danger of false doctrine. False doctrine denies true doctrine. False doctrine distorts truth. False...

Dealing with Doubt

“How does a Christian deal with doubt? Although there are many causes for it, there is only one answer—by knowledge. The Christian must simply take himself in hand and confront himself with what he knows to be true concerning God and God’s work in his life. In other...


Since God has loved us first, we must love others as he has loved us. 1. We should love others and hate no one. “The fellowship of Jesus has no promise that it will ever be in the majority; we must indeed guard against thinking that there can ever be any kind of human...