The Repentant People of Nineveh

1. The people of Nineveh believed in God and repented of their sins. “Repentance is a change of mind issuing in a changed life.” —J.I. Packer “If Jonah’s reemergence from the great fish spurred the Ninevites to a hopeful repentance, how much more ought we to be...

The Restored Prophet

The Lord graciously restores Jonah. “God forgets, and never holds the thing against you. Think of how wonderful are the implications of that one fact for your life. God simply does not hold grudges against his people who humble themselves and ask his forgiveness...

A Praying Prophet

“No human heart will learn its sinfulness and impotence by being told it is sinful. It will have to be shown—often through brutal experience. No human heart will dare to believe in such free, costly grace unless it is the only hope. It is a combination of hard...

A Sleeping Prophet

1. The Lord creates a great storm (4-6). “Either you will embrace the difficult doctrine that God is in control of all things, or you will slide into viewing God as a helpless observer of your plight. Some people worry about the implications of believing that God...

The Runaway Prophet

“This book is about the disturbing possibility that, having pledged your life to Christ, you may end up spending much of that life avoiding the God you set out to serve. It’s about the conflict in the heart of every Christian and the grace of God that, when you see...