Colossians 2:6-7
We must walk out our faith in Christ today just like the first day we received Jesus as Lord.
- Our walk with Christ began by receiving Him as Lord.
“No man can be said to be truly converted to Christ who has not bent his will to Christ. He may give intellectual assent to the claims of Christ and may have had emotional religious experiences; however, he is not truly converted until he has surrendered his will to Christ as Lord, Savior and Master.”—Billy Graham
- Our walk with Christ continues as we are rooted and built up in him.
“Paul assures us that however imperceptible it [spiritual growth] may be, we are being built up in Christ. We are ever and always under ongoing construction. A brick here, a board there, but always and persistently being built up by divine grace. Yes, every so often we dismantle what God has done, tearing down his handiwork and experiencing momentary, though painful, disintegration. But God will not give up on us. What he began by grace, he will finish by grace. The building will be completed. Our souls will grow in conformity to Christ, and one day, we will be like him for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:1-3)—Sam Storms
3. Our walk with Christ is by faith in Christ.
“To outgrow the basic truth of Christianity is to become post-Christian and pagan, despite objections to the contrary.”—Kent Hughes
4. Our walk in Christ should be a thankful walk.
“Here is a fine test by which we may test the authentic quality of our spiritual growth. To be ‘filled with gratitude’ is to be ‘filled with the Spirit of Christ.” The Christian rejoicing in this blessing of a thankful heart will have his eyes fixed upon the right person and the right place, Christ at God’s right hand. He cannot be taken up with himself without being immediately reminded that everything he possesses is the gift of God.”—John Stott