Bless the Lord!

Psalm 134: 1-3 “It establishes a point after we have gathered when all conversation and personal fellowship gives way to the worship of Almighty God.” –Derek Thomas PROP: We bless the Lord, and He blesses us. Bless the Lord. “Unthankfulness is one of the...

Stand Firm in the True Grace of God

1 Peter 5:12-14 Since we have received the gospel of God’s grace, let us then stand firm in it. Understanding the True Grace of God “The entire Christian life is one of grace—God’s daily bestowal of blessings, strength, help, forgiveness, and fellowship with...

Humility and Glory

Humility and Glory_8-18-191 Peter 5:5-11 “This life is anything but ‘your best life now.’ Glory comes by way of the ground. The attainment of Heaven will be by way of an excruciating journey. We will receive Heaven’s gains by carrying our cross in...

A Word to Elders

1 Peter 5:1-4 From Sovereign Grace Church’s Book of Church Order 2 The Office of Elder 2.1 New Testament Terminology: Elder, Pastor, Overseer From the beginning, local churches have been governed and led by elders (Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) with the...