by Anita Padgett | Oct 28, 2021 | Sermon Notes
The gospel of Jesus Christ frees us to live in unity with one another; therefore, we must live in the good of this freedom and unity with one another. 1. Paul went back to Jerusalem. 2. The gospel of Jesus Christ unites the church by faith alone. “It was one thing for...
by Anita Padgett | Oct 22, 2021 | Sermon Notes
I. The Fuel and Fire of Corporate Worship (review from 7/4/21 sermon) The nature of worship requires that we engage our MINDS and HEARTS in response to truth about God. Affections expressed in Biblical Worship: 1. Stunned silence; awe and wonder; fear and holy dread...
by Anita Padgett | Oct 16, 2021 | Sermon Notes
“There are numerous passages in the New Testament that use the Greek term “diakonos” and its cognates. The word ‘deacon’ simply means ‘servant” or ‘minister.’ In one sense, all of God’s people are called as ‘ministers’ or ‘deacons.’ However, there seems to be an...
by Anita Padgett | Oct 9, 2021 | Sermon Notes
“Paul’s claim, then, is this. His gospel, which was being called in question by the Judaizers and deserted by the Galatians, was neither an invention (as if his own brain had fabricated it), nor a tradition (as if the church had handed it down to him), but a...
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