Saved BY Grace FOR Good Works (Ephesians 2:8-10)

I. “And you were DEAD…” (2:1-3). II. “But God made you ALIVE TOGETHER WITH CHRIST!” (2:4-7). In v.7, Paul accentuates “the stunning reality that redeemed sinners will bear ceaseless witness to the mercy of God, both now and hereafter. Like waves incessantly crashing...

Stay Away from Folly (Ecclesiastes 10:1-11)

Being wise is far better than being a fool. The difference between wisdom and folly. “He has such an obvious lack of spiritual good sense that his folly is evident to everyone. Fools have a way of refusing to listen to good advice or of saying the wrong thing at the...

Death Comes to Us All (Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:6)

“This is how the Christian life works: it is not just about what we get at the end, but also what we become along the way. Discipleship is a journey, and not merely a destination.” —Philip Ryken We will not get all our questions answered in this life. God has the...