Faith That Does Work (Part II)

James 2:20-26 Since genuine saving faith is revealed by our goods works, then we must make sure our faith is accompanied by good works. Abraham’s faith was revealed by his good works. “His faith and his actions were working together”—his actions ‘complete’ his faith....

Faith That Doesn’t Work

James 2:14-20 “We do not always live what we say we believe—but we do always believe what we live out.” —Sam Allberry Genuine faith in Jesus Christ is a faith that produces godly fruit in a person life. “Our words sound fine, while our lack of...

True Religion

James 1:26-27 Christianity is not worthless religiosity but a relationship with the Lord that leads to true religion.   What is worthless religion? (v. 26) “A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.”—Proverbs 18:7 “Out of the...

Doers of the Word

James 1:22-25 If we are going to benefit from God’s Word and be faithful and fruitful Christians, we must be doers of God’s Word. We must not deceive ourselves by thinking that since we have heard God’s Word that we are actually benefiting from God’s Word....

Accepting the Word of God

James 1:19-21 If we are going to grow in our faith and be fruitful people for the glory of God, we must accept the Word of God. We accept the Word of God by being quick to listen it. “Our natural tendency in respect to God’s Word is to be slow to hear and quick...

Tested but Never Tempted by God

James 1:13-18 God doesn’t tempt us to sin (v.13-16). “Temptation, then, in general, is anything, state, way, or condition that, upon any account whatsoever, has a force or efficacy to seduce, to draw the mind and heart of a man from its obedience, which God...