Sowing and Reaping

Living in the good of the gospel means that we must trust God each day of our lives, and by faith we must seek to sow to the spirit instead of the flesh. 1. We will reap what we sow. “The image of sowing-reaping indicates that the process of moral consequences is much...

Hearers and Teachers

Living in the good of the gospel means we take care of those who are faithful to teach us God Word. 1. All of us will be taught God’s Word. “After the parable of the sower, Jesus says, ‘Consider carefully how you listen’ (Luke 8.18). He goes on to say that if we...

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer 1. Don’t stop praying. 2. Be watchful when you pray. 3. Be thankful when you pray. “A true appreciation of the believer’s status—’dead’ to the world and its powers, ‘alive’ to God in Christ with all one’s sins forgiven, and...

Bear One Another’s Burdens

“God saves us and empowers us with his Spirit in order that we may live in community with believers who fulfill his mission in the world. This is Christianity: loving one another.” —David Platt Since we are spirit-filled believers, we must seek to love one another by...

Pray for Growth

Since we are weak spiritually, we must ask God to strengthen us spiritually. 1. We must pray to God our Father. “Christians belong to this world-wide, history-long, heaven and earth family, all sharing one and the same God and Father! “—Sinclair Ferguson 2. We must...

Walk by the Spirit

Since the Christian life is a Spirit-led life, we must seek to daily walk by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh. 1. If you walk by the Spirit, you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. “We must listen to the Spirit’s Word, discern his will, and...